[+1] Page

May 30, 2011


Today, I wanted to express my gratitude. With constant flow of information nowadays, this eternal virtue took shape of an bent cliché phrase, or many phrases.

Never the less, it is the Internet where I have encountered so much sincere courtesy, kindness and geniality. Most of the time from complete strangers.

Although I have started this blog in 2008 I was very timid in my beginnings. It is people from my virtual circle that have inspired me to cary on and here I am, still learning along the way!

I am utterly grateful for every click, every comment and every reply that I receive. One might find it silly, but for me the virtue of virtual kindness is very important.

Last week, I received and award, six to be exact, from a wonderful blogger, The Harried Cook. I was humbled to say the least. You can find them on my +1 Award page.

Now to sharing 7 things about myself:
  1. I am proud of my ancestry [Circassian] but wish our cuisine was more omnifarious
  2. My favorite flavor combination is sweet and sour. I don't take one without another.
  3. I always envied people who know how to play musical instruments, but never learn to play on anything but my parent's nerves :)
  4. I am forever curious, never nosy [well, maybe sometimes]
  5. My first DIY experience was a set of earrings made out of paperclips when I was 11 years old :)
  6. I still love to bend wire and bang on metal! [maybe this could be considered a musical talent?]
  7. I use smily faces way too often :) [here it comes again!] but it is only because I really do smile a lot :)
Now to the winners:
  1. The Harried Cook Marsha
  2. Roberta, with way More Thyme Than Dough
  3. Kate, cooking from Kate from Scratch
  4. Nadia, who cooks delicious meals just For The Love Of Yum
  5. Michelle, with thoughtful words of Encouragement for Moms
  6. Olga, squeezing juice from Mango & Tomato
  7. Kulsum, on her tasteful Journey Kitchen
I want to thank you for stopping by my humble blog and leaving your comments! Passing on love and awards!


  1. Thank you!
    by the way, those berries look absolutely adorable!

  2. thanks! those are wild strawberries from our woods—земляника :)

  3. Thank you! :-) I'm flattered. I agree with Olga - that pic of berries is adorable!

  4. Loved reading about you, Sharizat... You write so well & are funny too :) Thank you for passing the awards back to me! That's so sweet... I look forward to checking out the blogs of your other 'awardees' :) And I am guilty of using way too many smileys too... Thanks for accepting the awards! Are those berries for me? :)

  5. yes, they are for you, from our woods! :) thank you!
