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May 19, 2011

The Ageless Sage

When coming across the word Sage many people, including me, have an image of an old wise man with a long white beard. True, this is one of the definitions of this word, however I will focus on its homophone, an herb that we well know as a perfect flavor for a Thanksgiving dinner also known as Salvia Officinalis.

I would like to encourage you to plant this evergreen perennial in your garden or in a planter on your deck. You won't regret it, for it will give you its aromatic velvety green leaves almost all year long. Why would you need them all year long, if sage is mostly used during fall/winter holidays? Because with taste like this and an extensive list of benefits, I'm sure you'll be tempted to use this ageless herb not only to compliment your Thanksgiving bird.
Names Salvia and Sage derived from latin "to save" because of the herb's healing properties.

Did you know that sage is considered a Female Herb? Drinking an infusion made with fresh or dried sage leaves can regulate the menstrual cycle, may reduce irritability during PMS and relax spasms or cramps. It also helps with excessive perspiration and hot flashes during menopause. I can affirm you the first one works whereas the second one I'm yet to test on myself. These sage qualities are due to its anti-depressant and estrogenic effects. Sage can also suppress excessive lactation for nursing moms.

I personally think that the aroma of sage is very feminine, too!

Besides that, as many medicinal herbs, sage has a good effect on the digestive system as it has anti-inflamatory and antibiotic properties. It is also beneficial for the liver function.

So go ahead, turn your garden or a planter into a medicine cabinet by planting this ageless sage for years to come.

I couldn't help to brew a cup of a wonderfully aromatic infusion to brighten up my mood that is damped with all this grey rain that we're having lately.

Ageless Sage Infusion
Makes one 8 oz cup
4-5 sprigs of fresh sage leaves (including the stems)
1 cup (8 oz) boiling water
1 t spoon of honey (or any other sweetener of your choice)
  • In the bottom of a tea pot or a cup, crush the leaves and stems with pestle or a spoon.
  • Pour boiling water over the crushed leaves, cover and steep for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Strain, sweeten and indulge!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God! Fresh Sage looks so good. So sad I can have access to it!
