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March 09, 2011

Pulp or No Pulp

Does it matter?
Yes, it does. As I mentioned earlier, everyone in my family had their own taste. Some like it hot, others—not. Some like it with pulp, others—no pulp. But it all comes together perfectly for this DIY checkers game!
All you need here is a piece of heavy cardboard, orange and green acrylic art paint and orange juice caps: orange and green (pulp/no pulp).
Paint the board in checkerboard pattern. Let it dry. Arrange the bottle caps and viola—new game.
And now let's see who wins—pulp or no pulp!


  1. what a cute idea! Love checkers. and for me it's always "with pulp."

  2. thank you, Olga! I'm with pulp, too :)
