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March 22, 2011

Give your pillow a second chance!

I have a confession to make—I'm a worst consumer ever! I just don't like spending money. Not because I'm cheap, but because it peeves me that I have to spend money on something I can make myself. Something like decorative throw pillows for example.

Every now and again, I am faced a dilemma: to buy or not to buy. When in comes to bed pillows, however, I do buy. Although I know that technically I would be able to make it myself, but for some reason I would splurge on a new cloud soft cushion for my head to rest upon comfortably in a nightly dream cinema. Recently, I bough two new queen size pillows since mine had flattened down and leveled with mattress.

After relatively long term servitude these faithful servants were now free from my oppression, but alas useless sitting around in my closet. I chose to give them another chance—after all what's good of a servant that's not serving? I decided to recycle them into throw pillows for my newly remodeled living room.

All I needed is a pair of fancy pillowcases that would match my living room colors. Just so happened I bought an embroidered brown curtain panel on a clearance sale to adorn my living room windows. I only found one at that time and was hoping to find its pair but never succeeded.
This curtain, too, was just laying in the closet awaiting for its destiny to unfold. Now was the time. I used this panel to make zippered removable pillow cases.
Here's what I used:
2 used flattened queen size standard pillows
1 55˝x 84˝ window panel
2 16˝ zippers of matching color

Cut the pillow open on one short side, remove the stuffing
Cut the pillowcase into square shape: fold diagonally and cut off the excess fabric
Re-stuff the pillow: use all the stuffing to make your new square pillow fluffier its old rectangular incarnation
Baste and stitch together the open end of the pillow and it's ready. Repeat with the second one.
Fold and cut the curtain fabric to the size of the pillow with one folded side and stitch together two sides leaving the third one open for the zipper. Attach the zipper. Repeat with the second pillow case.
Don't throw your old pillow away, throw them on the couch!

{Note: I had leftover material from the curtain that I will use to create two more throw pillows once I have a new retiree from the bedroom :) }

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